Each week at Chi Alpha we record our messages in video and/or in MP3 format, and we also maintain a sermon archive (which includes instructions on receiving our sermons as a podcast). This is the fourth sermon in a series working our way through the list of virtues in 2 Peter 1:3-8 (it runs from faith to love with some fascinating stops along the way).
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Video hosted by Google, which also allows you to download the video to your computer, your iPod, or your PSP. Each week […]
Or download the mp3. Video hosted by Google, which also allows you to download the video to your computer, your iPod, or […]
Each week at Chi Alpha we record our messages in video and/or in MP3 format, and we also maintain a sermon archive […]
Community – Lindsey Hawley (April 9, 2008) on Vimeo. Or download the mp3. Each week at Chi Alpha we record our messages […]