About Chi Alpha

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is a community of students earnestly following Jesus. We’re not a fraternity or a sorority (although we’re a great place to find brothers and sisters). Our name is inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:20 which says “we are therefore Christ’s (Chi) Ambassadors (Alpha).” We often abbreviate our name as XA.

Chi Alpha is one of several Christian ministries at Stanford. Other ministries like us include RUF and InterVarsity. We’re all broadly similar, although each ministry has a theological or stylistic nuance that makes them stand out. What makes us different is our emphasis on the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

If you haven’t taken a look yet, you should investigate the right sidebar with the small text. It has links to all kinds of cool things like our leadership team.

Our Beliefs

Our beliefs can be summarized pretty simply:

  1. God is real.
  2. God has revealed Himself in Jesus.
  3. The Bible is God’s Word.
  4. God still does supernatural stuff.
  5. God ought to be the most important thing in every person’s life.

That’s obviously an overview – you can read a more detailed statement if you’re curious.

What We Do

We have weekly worship services on campus and we sponsor life groups (Bible studies) throughout the week. We usually have one retreat-type event per quarter, and we occasionally baptize people in the Claw Fountain in front of the bookstore.

The easiest way to get involved is to come to one of our weekly meetings. These gatherings are informal, given to humor, and deal with everything from relationships to the nature of truth.

We also have what we like to call Fun Social Activities. You can tell from our uber-creative naming that we are a fun bunch, indeed. In fact, we’re so merry that Robin Hood’s Merry Men are suing us for infringement.

And last but not least, we volunteer at places such as the San Francisco Rescue Mission and Bayshore Christian Ministries.