Find, Feed, and Fight for the Lambs of God at Stanford

One way to understand your mission as a life group leader is that you are called to find, feed, and fight for the lambs of God at Stanford University.

Find them.

You can’t be passive about people joining your life group. You have to go out and find people who would not otherwise darken the door of Chi Alpha and invite them to join your life group. Yes, we want everyone in Chi Alpha to be involved in a vibrant life group. We also want the whole campus to hear the gospel. Go find one, two, or three people on your own in addition to whoever signs up because they’re already in Chi Alpha and your schedule works with theirs.

Feed them.

Once they are in your life group, feed them. Give them the meat of God’s word. We don’t want a sugar ministry, we want a protein ministry. Sugar excites but does not sustain, whereas protein builds the body. Don’t just teach them to understand the Bible – teach them to obey it. Theology matters a lot, but there’s no exam to get into heaven. God expects us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance, so show them how.

Fight for them.

We are in a spiritual struggle. When you begin to see spiritual breakthrough in someone’s life be sure of this: Satan wants to steal it away. So pray for the people in your life group. Fight for them spiritually. Also fight for them relationally. If someone misses life group for a week or two, don’t assume they don’t want to come any more. Reach out to them. Be proactive. If someone tells you they don’t want to come, respect that. But don’t allow people to disappear away and believe that no one really noticed or cared about them. Fight for them.